Dreams of Alik

«Dreams of Alik»

Interactive Book


Kayoka Studio


Create an interactive book to blend captivating illustrations with dynamic parallax effects, making the story come to life on every page.


To bring this vision to life, our team took the following steps:

Step 1: Strategic Illustration Development

We divided the illustrations into logical parts and carefully adapted them to the 3D world. This allowed for a fluid and immersive experience.

Step 2: Parallax Effects

By adding parallax effects, we created depth and movement within the illustrations, making the story feel alive.

Step 3: Interactive Elements

The book features 23 interactive illustrations, a mini-game, and two different story paths, all designed to engage the reader actively.

Step 4: Musical Integration

To further enhance the immersive experience, we included a custom musical score that responds to the story’s progression.

Dreams of Alik - Interactive book
Dreams of Alik - Interactive book 1
Dreams of Alik - Interactive book 2
Dreams of Alik - Interactive book 3


Interactive book Dreams of Alec, which describes an amazing story about the journey of a boy and his sister into the world of dreams. An interactive book is a new format of a story in which the reader becomes a participant in it, and all the characters come to life and are aminated by clicking, the parallax effect immerses in a fairy-tale world!

Dreams of Alik - Interactive book

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